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Check 21

Fixed Rate Mortgage Rate APR
30 Year Fixed - 95% LTV 5.625% 5.667%
30 Year Fixed Construction - 80% LTV 5.625% 5.669%
15 Year Fixed - 95% LTV 5.000% 5.063%
15 Year Fixed - 90% LTV � No MI 5.250% 5.472%
15 Year Fixed Construction - 80% LTV 5.000% 5.075%
Adjustable Mortgage Rate APR
3 Year ARM - 30 Year - 80% LTV 4.500% 4.532%
3 Year ARM - 30 Year - 90% LTV � No MI 4.750% 4.784%
3 Year ARM - Construction - 80% LTV 4.500% 4.541%
Investment Loans Rate APR
Investment 70% LTV 7.250% 7.310%
Equity Loans Rate APR
Equity Loan � 80% or <80% LTV
Equal to Prime Rate, Minimum of 4.50%
5.250% 5.309%
Equity Loan >80% =<90%
Prime Rate +1, Minimum of 5.00%
6.250% 6.315%
Equity Line of Credit � 80% LTV
Equal to Prime Rate, Minimum of 4.50%
5.250% 5.250%
Equity Line of Credit � 90% LTV
Prime Rate +1, Minimum of 5.00%
6.250% 6.250%

Statement Savings** Rate APY
Balances below $50 will NOT pay interest 0.00% 0.00%
Balances of $50 to $999 0.50% 0.50%
Balances of $1,000 to $4,999 0.75% 0.75%
Balances $5,000 or more 0.99% 1.00%
Certificates of Deposit Rate APY
31 Day Certificate of Deposit 0.99% 1.00%
91 Day Certificate of Deposit 1.00% 1.01%
6 Month Certificate of Deposit 1.00% 1.00%
7 Month Certificate of Deposit 1.98% 2.00%
8 Month Certificate of Deposit 2.47% 2.50%
9 Month Certificate of Deposit 1.14% 1.15%
12 Month Certificate of Deposit 1.98% 2.00%
13 Month Certificate of Deposit 2.23% 2.25%
18 Month Certificate of Deposit 2.23% 2.25%
New Rate!24 Month Certificate of Deposit 3.44% 3.50%
New Rate!36 Month Certificate of Deposit 3.68% 3.75%
New Rate!48 Month Certificate of Deposit 3.92% 4.00%
Money Market Deposit Accounts Rate APY
Balances below $100 pay NO interest 0.00% 0.00%
Balances of $100 to $999 0.25% 0.25%
Balances of $1,000 to $4,999 0.50% 0.50%
Balances of $5,000 to $9,999 0.55% 0.55%
Balances of $10,000 to $24,999 0.65% 0.65%
Balances of $25,000 or more .75% .75%
Interest Bearing Checking Rate APY
Balances below $500 will NOT pay interest 0.00% 0.00%
Balances of $500 to $999 0.25% 0.25%
Balances of $1,000 to $4,999 0.50% 0.50%
Balances of $5,000 or more 0.75% 0.75%

*APY refers to Annual Percentage Yield based on simple interest.

**Savings refers to Annual Percentage Yield based on simple interest.

***If daily balance is less than $100 interest is not paid.

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